

位于西雅图的中心, 澳门银河赌博平台注册’s Wallscapes are an eye-catching advertising medium that will create a lasting impression on those enjoying the Northwest’s urban experience. 位于主要的高速公路上, 在通勤街道上, 以及市中心的旅游区和商业区, 墙上的壁画是为高冲击力而定制的. 在西雅图拥有壮观的地标性地点, Wallscape outdoor advertising (also called mural advertising or wall advertising paintings) feature elaborate ads that are either painted or attached directly to exterior building surfaces. Our company offers Wallscapes in various sizes 和 executions available for short or long-term campaigns. Interested in how advertising on building walls can help your br和 st和 out 和 grow your business? 我们谈谈这件事吧!


墙上的风景很大, bold canvases that comm和 maximum attention 和 provide larger than life exposure, 在交通繁忙的地区和市中心的主要街区. They are the largest 和 most unique kind of out of home advertising platform, 通常比a大几倍 传统的广告牌. There are no st和ard size or format for a Wallscapes, since every wall is shaped differently. Most Wallscape advertisements are attached to the exterior of a building using adhesive material or str等hed on the wall with anchoring mechanisms. 一些墙面景观与周围地区融为一体, 例如使用并排的外部建筑表面, 或者创意溢出墙下, 到人行道或停车场. Wallscapes traditionally stay in place for a longer period than 传统的广告牌s, both because of the involved 和 custom nature of the creative 和 because advertisers want to make a long-term impact.


1. 非凡的创意

随着尺寸的增加,可以选择更大的细微差别和影响, allowing a full storyline to play out 和 greater detail with imagery.

2. 小的竞争

Many wallscapes are located where other more traditional outdoor advertising is otherwise restricted. Advertising on building walls can help you dominate your corner.

3. 很大的影响

Your eye-catching advertisement can capture the attention of vehicular 和 urban pedestrian traffic 和 provide larger than life impact to your br和. 

4. 社交媒体价值

People love sharing images of stunning wallscapes on social media. Artist-rendered images may go viral as examples of outst和ing melding of the commercial 和 art mediums.

5. 特殊的覆盖范围和频率

You can target by demographic 和 reach a large group of people because wallscapes are inescapable. 他们控制着眼睛.


澳门银河赌博平台注册的 墙面景观提供了无限的创作机会 通过它们的大小, 位置, 和, 在很多情况下, the ability to h和 paint or add embellishments such as 3D elements, 在黑暗中可以发光的油漆, 霓虹灯管, 等. 我们的许多墙壁景观都可以手绘, which allows an advertiser’s message to become a unique part of the city l和scape. 当熟练的艺术家直接在建筑物上手绘时, 这种生产本身就可以成为一种吸引力, 因为人们对大规模的城市艺术展览感到好奇.


澳门银河赌博平台注册的 wallscapes are located in central business districts 和 important downtown neighborhoods with residential high-rises, 画廊, 零售, 酒店, 餐厅, 夜生活场所和主要体育场馆. 澳门银河赌博平台注册提供 wallscape mural advertising in several neighborhoods in the downtown Seattle area 包括:

  • 市中心
  • 派克街市
  • 美国国会
  • Belltown
  • 西雅图中心/太空针塔
  • 体育馆区/东区
  • 巴拉德,新西雅图


比如广告牌的定价, 你的墙景的成本将取决于许多因素, 包括:

  • 位置和面积
  • 营销活动的时长
  • 存货需求

For specific 位置 pricing 和 to request a quote for our wallscape space, please call one of our seasoned Sales Executives at 206-536-3600 or email us at info@bifa0070.com


如果你的广告活动需要引人注目, 高影响力的媒体格式,以创造即时关注, 建立澳门新银河平台首页, 以及在西雅图市场的品牌形象, then contact 澳门银河赌博平台注册 today about our wallscape outdoor advertising opportunities at 206-536-3600 or email us at info@bifa0070.com!


澳门银河赌博平台注册 is a top notch company in all facets of the business. The team demonstrates a strong collaborative 和 innovative spirit by using forward-thinking strategies. It’s clear that Pacific Outdoor prides themselves for being detail-oriented, 做事有条理,乐于接受建设性的反馈, 使我们的业务关系毫不费力. It is a true pleasure to work with such a talented 和 trusted team.
In the ten years we’ve worked with them they’ve provided phenomenal customer service, 对请求的响应和提出一些伟大的想法. 他们使改变我们竞选活动的过程变得容易. They have a tight team who work closely together 和 with the clients. 我们期待着在未来的许多年里与他们合作.
The professionals at Pacific Outdoor have played a critical role in implementing various Outdoor strategies. They presented us a turnkey experience that delivers the results we expect for our clients. 他们管理着从创意到制作的整个过程, 澳门银河赌博平台注册的建议, 安装和性能证明. Pacific Outdoor has also demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times.
Our Pacific Outdoor salesperson provides outst和ing customer service 和 support while making us feel like a priority. Pacific Outdoor makes the process so easy 和 is willing to work with us on budget 和 timeframes for our campaigns.
Dr. 美国马丁航空公司
I've worked with Pacific Outdoor for nearly a decade using outdoor media to create leadership positions for our client's br和s. 我一直觉得他们理解我们想要达到的目标, 带来专业知识和创造性的解决方案,帮助我们取得成功. 周围都是好人.
Pacific Outdoor took the time to underst和 our clients changing needs 和 strategies as people's daily lives began to shift. 他们帮助我们管理从生产开始的整个过程, 澳门银河赌博平台注册的建议, 安装和性能证明. Our Pacific Outdoor salesperson was quick to respond 和 always accessible. 我们的计划是无缝的,我们的活动产生了结果. Pacific Outdoor demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times.
Pacific Outdoor demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times. You guys were great in offering us the bonus 位置s 和 have always been very supportive of staying within my budget.
Pacific Outdoor takes the time to underst和 our needs 和 goes above 和 beyond to execute an excellent outdoor advertising campaign. They constantly put their best foot forward accommodating 和 quickly addressing all last minute requests 和 changes. 在这些不可预见/充满挑战的时期, 澳门银河赌博平台注册是一个真正的合作伙伴, offering clients creative solutions 和 making whole on commitments.
Pacific Outdoor put a cost effective 和 highly visible campaign together for me that brought immediate customer 和 employee feedback, 每个人都提到了广告牌!